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On occasion, police have been implicated in the running of high grade hotels where prostitution activities occur, or accepting bribes and demanding sexual favours to ignore the existence of prostitution activities. Government corruption is also involved in a more indirect form — the widespread abuse of public funds to finance consumption of sex services. Pan Suiming contends that China has a specific type of prostitution that entails a bargain between those who use their power and authority in government to obtain sex and those who use sex to obtain privileges. In accordance with Marxist theory, women who sold sex were viewed as being forced into prostitution in order to survive. The eradication of prostitution was thus vaunted as one of the major accomplishments of the Communist government and evidence of the primacy of Chinese Marxism. Prostitution did not exist as a serious object of concern in China for a period of nearly three decades.

The law mandates criminal penalties for corruption by government officials, but the government did not implement the law effectively. Government observers believed officials engaged in corrupt practices with impunity. There were numerous reports of government corruption during the year. It also paid for the DNA testing required for every bidoon applying for citizenship. Police responded only to the most serious cases of violence between family members, such as spousal and child abuse, and to emergency calls by domestic workers who reported abuse. Police were generally effective in carrying out core responsibilities.

In response, sellers and buyers of sex have adopted a wide range of tactics designed to avoid apprehension. Prostitutes have also begun using the internet, in particular instant messaging software such as QQ, to attract customers. In 2004, PlayChina, an online prostitution referral service, was shut down by police. The 1997 criminal code codified provisions in the 1991 Decision, establishing a system of controls over social place, specifically places of leisure and entertainment. The ultimate goal is to stop managers and workers within the predominantly male-run and male-patronised hospitality and service industry from profiting from and/or encouraging the prostitution of others.

According to UNAIDS, 0.5% of Chinese sex workers are infected with HIV. One study reported that 5% of low-cost sex workers were infected. In one part of Yunnan province, the infection rate is estimated to be as high as 7%.


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It provides for reinstatement of workers fired for union activity. Nevertheless, the law empowers the courts to dissolve any union for violating labor laws or for threatening “public order and morals,” although a union can appeal such a court decision. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor can request the Court of First Instance to dissolve a union. Additionally, the emir may dissolve a union by decree. The law provides workers, except for domestic workers, maritime workers, and civil servants, a limited right to collective bargaining.

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Traders in Tokyo appeared bullish about positive news flowing in from the United States, where Wall Street had rallied on Friday. An end-of-week slide in Treasury bond yields fortified beliefs the Federal Reserve was nearing the end of its rate-hiking cycle. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor monitored worksites to provide for compliance with rules banning summer work and recorded hundreds of violations during the year. Workers could also report these violations to their embassies, the KTUF, or the Labor Disputes Department. Noncompliant employers faced warnings, fines, or forced suspensions of company operations, but these were not sufficiently substantial to deter violators.

The existing town board has had ample time to lend a hand to us and to listen but has failed us. It’s time to carefully examine what benefits us and what is detrimental to our way of life in a thoughtful and collaborative way. We need a team that can work together whilst having a robust understanding of the communities’ desires and needs. We desperately need transparency, organization, and most important, the ability to bring projects and policy from concept to reality. I would like to add my thoughts in regards to the article in last week’s paper about Springs School.

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The Ministry of Justice issued 1,439 marriage and divorce certificates to bidoon in the first nine months of 2015. But government sources stated approximately 15,000 bidoon children were not provided birth certificates due to security restrictions. The Ministry of Education partners with the Charity Fund for Education to pay for bidoon children to attend private schools, but the children must fall into one of seven categories to qualify for an education grant. According to government officials, as of May, 510 bidoon students were attending Kuwait University. According to bidoon activists and government officials, many bidoon were unable to provide documentation proving ties to the country sufficient to qualify for citizenship.

Female citizens may sponsor their nonnational children and husbands for residency permits, and they may petition for naturalization for their children if the mother becomes divorced or widowed from a noncitizen husband. The constitution generally provides for freedom of internal movement, but numerous laws constrain foreign travel. See the Department of State’sInternational Religious Freedom Reportat/religiousfreedomreport/. The Ministry of Interior reserved the right to approve or reject public events and those it considered politically or morally inappropriate.