In Focus: War in Ukraine is a crisis for women and girls Headquarters

Local women working nearby exchanged wary looks when asked about the hotel. “There are always ‘those’ kinds of girls going inside,” one says, while the others nodded when asked if the place still rented rooms by the hour. “Of course, no one knew what kind of hotel this was,” says Gil Horev, a Welfare Ministry spokesman, referring to the fact that several Ukrainian refugees in wheelchairs were housed in the hotel, which had no provisions for people with disabilities.

  • You lose the sense of time, and the most horrible thing is that you can’t stop it,” Ihor Kozlovsky, a theologian who spent several months in Isolyatsia, told Al Jazeera in 2021.
  • Martsenyuk contended that Ukraine’s political parties make it clear that women’s issues are considered secondary to Ukrainian political stability and economic prosperity.
  • Oksana Hryhoryeva, gender adviser to the commander of the Ukrainian military’s Land Forces, told RFE/RL that, since the beginning of Russian full-scale invasion, she received reports of only two cases of harassment or gender discrimination.
  • For Ivanova and her 24-year-old daughter, Anastasiia, who also trained as an agronomist and works for the family business, farming these days feels like a race against time.
  • But months into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the war has brought Ukraine’s ports to a near standstill, exacerbating an already growing global food crisis.

There also appeared new smaller teams such as Rodyna out of Kostopil in Volhynia and eastern Podollia teams around Uman. In 2008 there was introduced winter break competition which became regular later since 2013. UAB also encourages applications from individuals with disabilities and veterans. A report last year, The Impact of Covid-19 on Ukrainian Women Migrants in Poland, found that, even before the war, those most affected by precarious work were women who took up domestic care jobs. It is a sector characterised by informality, which leaves workers without adequate labour protections.

Members of human trafficking network arrested in several European countries

Especially among the global poor, this has compounding ramifications, from girls’ access to education to the increased risk of early and forced marriage, gender-based violence and unwanted pregnancies. Girls in African countries like Ethiopia and Somalia that rely heavily on Ukrainian wheat have been particularly hard hit. We saw a similar media fascination with female combatants in the battle against the Islamic State, where media reports focused on women in the Kurdish Peshmerga who again made up a small minority of combatants. This obsession with pretty young women in fatigues is skewing our understanding of women’s important roles in armed conflict. UN Women is committed to supporting the people of Ukraine, especially the women and girls, at this time of greatest need. Borovyk is the head of Alliance “New Energy of Ukraine,” a nonprofit working on energy effectiveness, but has been serving in counterintelligence for Ukraine since Russia launched its invasion. He says he recognized the need for more women drone pilots months ago after struggling to help a friend who was looking to get in contact with a female drone pilot for a feminist organization in the United Kingdom.

This meant difficulties in accessing public services for veterans and in making the transition back to civilian life. Women have served in Ukraine’s armed forces since the country declared its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, but were mainly in supporting roles until the beginning of the war in 2014. They started serving in combat roles in 2016 and all military roles were opened to women in 2022. However, many women in non-combat roles, such as medics, are exposed to the same dangers and hardships as their male and female colleagues who fire the weapons.


At the same time the Bubka school of Olympic reserve which provided athletes for the team was evacuated to Bakhmut. Prime Minister Mykola Azarov stated in March 2010 there were no female ministers in this government because “Reforms do not fall into women’s competence”, while adding that he greatly respects women. Women’s groups in Ukraine reported Azarov to the country’s ombudsman following this remarks.

This legal discrimination, Kvit said, deprived most women who served in the war in the Donbas of access to social or military benefits, military awards, and career opportunities in the armed forces. However, just as public attitudes towards women in in the military are changing quickly in Ukraine, so too are the country’s laws and government policies. But the presence of women in the Ukrainian armed forces has not been there without controversy. Some analysts warn against assuming that the photographs and videos in the news and on social media showing women on the front lines means that they enjoy equality with the men they serve beside.

These farmers are now fighting to ensure their communities are fed and get their crops out to the world. Together, Russia and Ukraine typically export almost a third of the world’s cereal grain, and Ukraine provides half of the world’s sunflower oil supply. Russia has shelled grain depositories and sunflower oil storage tanks in the Mykolaiv port, covering nearby homes and rose bushes in flaming pools of oil and leaving an enduring scent of fried food, even weeks later. The oil’s absence on the global market is already being sorely felt, from the European supermarkets rationing sales to the Indian laborers paying extra for their lunches. Women and children constitute the majority of refugees in this war because, under conditions of martial law, women have greater ability to flee. This affects the number of women who are then able to voluntarily serve. We haven’t yet developed systems of care that would enable women the same opportunities to serve as men.

Today, some of the Ukrainians in Israel are holding out hope that the new incoming government will do more to help them. The resources made available for supporting women who have been trafficked upon arrival in Israel are scarce. “In the past several months, this has become a vulnerability issue,” she adds, explaining that women are often at risk particularly because they are so dependent on others for survival. The Times of Israel visited twice in December and was prevented from seeing the rooms on both occasions. A number of flashy cars were parked outside, in a part of Jerusalem ordinarily populated by construction workers and wholesalers. Responding to allegations that the hotel was a brothel, the Welfare Ministry says it still did not know if this was the case.

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