Steroids dexamethasone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone and hydrocortisone Cancer information

Steroids dexamethasone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone and hydrocortisone Cancer information

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  • Guest Editors are responsible for ensuring that each manuscript assigned to them receives a minimum of two independent expert reviews which further assess the scientific rigor and quality of the manuscript.
  • You might feel dizzy and you may feel as though the room is spinning.
  • We can also guide you through post-cycle therapy (PCT) to prevent loss of muscle mass.
  • Let the doctor or nurse know so they can advise you what to do about your steroid therapy.
  • If you need any medical or dental treatment, show your blue or red steroid card to the doctor, dentist or pharmacist so that they know you’re taking steroids.

Testosterone is mainly a mature male hormone, but women’s bodies also produce small quantities. Testosterone is the male sex hormone that causes boys to develop male features during puberty, such as a deeper voice, body and facial hair and muscle strength. When ingested through anabolic steroids, the hormone can increase muscle mass, decrease fat and act as a performance-enhancing drug, but it can also cause several undesirable effects. The steroids used to treat asthma, COPD, and other lung conditions are not the same as the anabolic steroids which are used by some athletes. As a GP, I often see people worried about taking steroids for their lung condition.


Sometimes, when taken in higher doses, can cause confusion or changes in thinking. To help protect your stomach, you should take your tablets with food. This information is about steroids that you take by mouth or as an injection.

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This means that occasional joint injections won’t be a problem. But if you need many injections, this could affect your bone strength over time and increase your risk of breaking a bone. The information on this page may be helpful if you take, or are about to start taking, a steroid medication that has been prescribed by a healthcare professional.

Steroids are very effective drugs, and in many cases are life-saving. Side effects are common, but are generally worth tolerating, especially given the potential benefits of their use. Steroids are one of the most effective drugs to treat immune-mediated and inflammatory diseases. However, there are some side effects that your vet will try to minimise. These range from being merely somewhat troublesome, through to some which are potentially very significant.

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